Thursday, June 11, 2009

Review of Levee Boundaries on Surabaya River at Indonesiae

" ilustration of levee boundaries changes on Surabaya River "
(downstream of Brantas River Basin, Indonesia)

in the past, there were clear levee boundaries which is marked by dike or concrete dike, as figure below
Now, lets start the chronology of regulation that is being background of this levee boundaries changes.
1. levee boundaries refer on Minister of Civil Works, Regulation No. 70/PRT/1996, shown as figure below

2. When flood attack, shown figuree below
3. Currently, condition of Surabaya River on left/right side levee fill with civil residences, Industrial Factory, shown as figure below
4. When flood attack, what happen to them? of course they will flooded, as shown figure below5. Because of those case, there were a review. The result is Dictum, Minister Civil Works No. 380/KPTS/M/2004, this dictum stated that river must have minimum free area for inspection access, shown as figure below
before...After....Nowadays, there are many social problem which is threatening river functions, such as: illegal sand mining, illegal levee/ landuse for residence. They said that " their activity on levee is in the name of "walfare".
Those problem is not just RBO's responsibility, but its multisectoral problem...
Sorry for my lack of knowledge, just fell free to criticsm, share, or just chit chat . . .


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